![article cover description](public/8rmjx0bnqrhvzurx73xsg95epwn7/article_cover_optimized.png)
Page article title example
sutty author example and This is how your author name will display. You should add your author in the panel as an author-article first, and then it will appear in each article as an option to select from the drop-down list
This is where the main content or your article is going to be! You can make use of the editor of your panel (once you register your account and log in) , which we tried to keep as simple and usable as possible to write basic-format your text.
And write and write...
You can also copy-paste.
One important thing to take into account for your own convenience: remember to create an author-article prior to this page-article in order to be able for link it. Otherwise, you may need to save a copy of the article you are working on, go back to the panel and create the author-article, save changes, then come back to page-article (maybe refresh or press f5) to find the author category in the drop-down list. No big deal :D